Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Happiness Project Book Club

SHE BLOGGED: I've never been in a book club.

I've never been asked to be in one, nor have I had the desire to be in one.

My interpretation of a book club is literally only what I've seen on TV. Oprah's Book Club comes across as typically consisting of feel good books that I have zero interest in. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to read. It's one of my favorite past times, but my kind of book has storylines of murder, mystery and suspense (and for some reason, and I think because they need to keep the storyline going, it involves serial killers).

When I think book club, I also have visions of the scenes from the movie "Jerry McQuire" with Renee Zellwegger's character and her gossipy friends and family getting all up in her personal business. Ack, spare me.

So when my co-worker sent an email asking anyone interested in joining and creating a book club around the latest book called "The Happiness Project," I had mixed reactions.

I wanted to support my friend Karin, but I hated the idea of spending an extra hour or two after work with co-workers that I already see more than I see my own husband in a day, and yet I am the first to admit I could use a bit more happiness in my life. So I plunked down my $8 on her desk and tried to be, really tried to be, happy about it.

When Karin asked if the book club should meet somewhere other than work like a restaurant, I had to be honest - if I have to drive somewhere else other than home, I would probably continue to just drive home, nor was I excited to meet somewhere that I would have to spend some money to be there even if it's on just a cup of coffee. So it was decided to meet immediately after work at work. Our assignment? To read the first chapter before the day of our first book club meeting.

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