Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Letter from my Congressman

Thank you for contacting me concerning conflicts in the Middle East. I appreciate you taking time to share your views with me.

Like you, I believe our country must engage in an international dialogue with other countries to achieve greater global security and stability, democracy, encourage nonproliferation, and protect human rights.

While there is little public consensus on the best approach, I hope we can agree that despite controversy, we must press on to seek solutions that promote security in the region and strengthen efforts toward a lasting peace. Congress has an oversight role in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy, and we must keep our commitments to the region. Certainly, I will continue to closely monitor the Middle East and will stay involved in Congressional efforts to address situations in any way possible.

Please know that I have consistently supported legislative efforts that seek to foster harmony among countries by working multilateral channels and employing diplomacy to achieve global peace and stability.

If you have a moment, please visit my Web site (http://becerra.house.gov/) and click on "Sign Me Up" if you are interested in receiving periodic e-updates and my e-newsletter, The Becerra Bulletin.


Member of Congress

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