Tuesday, February 24, 2009

SHE BLOGGED: I like Daniel Craig. I think he is indeed all that my dear husband so declares. He is a top-notch British agent, but is he James Bond? Not to me he isn't. For me he falls closer in line with Matt Damon's Bourne Identity character, whom I also like. But I grew up to a James Bond that was a little bit...ok, a lot cheesy. He was the sauve, ladies man who could deliver one liners with a charming smile while choking someone in a strangle hold. That James Bond is Sean Connery. Even as a kid I knew that much of what he was doing was totally impossible, but you knew to look the other way and let Hollywood work its magic -- and so I believed. Will I stop watching future James Bond movies because it's not Sean Connery? No. Along the same lines that my husband says that Heath Ledger is the better Joker than Jack Nickelson, I say that Sean Connery to me is the iconic James Bond. There have been 5 other actors before Daniel Craig to play the role of 007. And despite the fact that Sean Connery, by the way, was the first and the original James Bond, he is the better James Bond for me than George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton or Pierce Brosnan.

As critic Roger Ebert puts it: "Basically, you have Connery, and then you have all the rest."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

HE BLOGGED: JAMES BOND, if there was ever an icon of machismo the character of Bond encompasses everything that many men desire to be at one point or another in their life. A number of actor have stepped into this icon's shoes and holstered a Walther model pistol, but who is the best Bond, in my opinion that is the man who currently answers to M's call to duty, Daniel Craig. Of course, Sean Connery is a close second. I'll give some ground in that Sean Connery definitely delivers Bond's witty lines more gracefully than Daniel Craig, however from the point of who is more convincing as a secret agent, then that definitely tips the scale towards Daniel Craig. He's got the physique, the moves, the cold stare, and rogue quality that embodies Bond. Daniel Craig may not be as convincing as Sean Connery as a womanizer but then again, women in all Bond movies sort of just fall for every utterance from Bond. Sean Connery's Bond for me is equivalent to Jack Nicholson's Joker. Definitely good for his time and generation, but hands down Health Ledger's portrayal of the Joker is a notch better. Bond in this day and age has to be a more physical character because of what makes a successful action movie and leading male role. It will probably take another movie to convince those who ride the fence on who is the better Bond, but I think Daniel Craig will be a up to the task.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reluctant Realization = Solution

SHE BLOGGED: This blog easily collects dusts and I'm finally ready to admit the reason why.

Outside of the topic of politics, my husband and I rarely disagree. That's a good thing, right? Absolutely. And as for politics, we DO agree that that's one topic that we agree to disagree on. So that being truthfully said, how can you maintain a blog that you're expected to voice your differing opinions when you tend to have the same point of view? I realized that we're over thinking this thing. To harken back to a catch phrase from my news writing days-- K.I.S.S. -- Keep it simple, stupid.
So here goes: Who's the better James Bond?
Sean Connery or Roger Moore? Sean Connery! DUH.
Sean Connery or Daniel Craig? Here we go.... I say, Sean Connery.

(stay tuned for my reasons why, I'm just waiting for the fish to bite now that the bait has been set)