Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reluctant Realization = Solution

SHE BLOGGED: This blog easily collects dusts and I'm finally ready to admit the reason why.

Outside of the topic of politics, my husband and I rarely disagree. That's a good thing, right? Absolutely. And as for politics, we DO agree that that's one topic that we agree to disagree on. So that being truthfully said, how can you maintain a blog that you're expected to voice your differing opinions when you tend to have the same point of view? I realized that we're over thinking this thing. To harken back to a catch phrase from my news writing days-- K.I.S.S. -- Keep it simple, stupid.
So here goes: Who's the better James Bond?
Sean Connery or Roger Moore? Sean Connery! DUH.
Sean Connery or Daniel Craig? Here we go.... I say, Sean Connery.

(stay tuned for my reasons why, I'm just waiting for the fish to bite now that the bait has been set)

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