Of course, the finished result didn't quite look like the photo. Instead of radishes, because I don't like radishes, I used bean sprouts as a garnish to add that crunch. So I lack that punch of red color the cover had.
Would I make this again? Probably not. It was a lot of work with just ok results and 6 lbs. of beef short ribs ain't cheap. What I noticed about these recipes is that they never create enough marinade to cover all of the meat. I doubled the marinade recipe and I let it marinate for two days. I can't imagine allowing it to only marinate for 30 minutes/or overnight as the recipe suggested. Over the past two days, I rotated the meat so it had a chance to soak in the marinade. There's no way the original marinade recipe would have been enough. The marinade called for an Asian pear shredded. I bought one, but forgot to put it in. I honestly don't think it would have made a difference.
I also added only added half of the water that they requested. If I had added the full amount, I think it would have severely watered down the taste of the broth. Which again consisted of a double recipe of the marinade. I also used regular soy sauce and not low sodium soy sauce.
The end result? I did love the subtle kick that the caramelized kimchi added, but overall this recipe could have used more in-depth flavor and seasoning.
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